
Photo by Jeremiah Corder

“She doesn’t look like a foreigner.”

The words of an Iowa 6th grade teacher after learning her new student hailed from the great, white, metricized north & had zero clue how many feet are in a mile.

Spoiler alert: she still doesn’t.

Enter art school and fulfilling her lifelong dream of drawing for a living. Making her desk-doodling 6-year-old self proud, she now has nearly 15 years of experience in the ad world while moonlighting as an illustrator for friends, freelance, and fun.

When she isn’t being arty, Katie can be found concocting her latest Pinterest fail in the kitchen, wheeling around town on the bike she still doesn’t understand how to properly operate or sipping an old fashioned in the corner of any local music venue. Ironically she currently lives in the mile high city of Denver with her feline life partners, Beef & Toad.